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Ground broken for 3rd temple in Wyoming

CODY, Wyoming — Late-summer warmth lingered abnormally long as Elder Steven R. Bangerter, a General Authority Seventy and first counselor in the Church’s North America Central Area presidency, presided over the groundbreaking ceremony for the Cody Wyoming Temple on Friday, Sept. 27.
Elder Bangerter was accompanied by his wife, Sister Susan Bangerter. Elder Kevin R. Duncan, a General Authority Seventy and executive director of the Church’s Temple Department, attended with his wife, Sister Nancy Duncan. Elder Duncan conducted the groundbreaking service.
Elder Bangerter offered the site’s dedicatory prayer after sharing his testimony of temples and the blessings that come through Heavenly Father because of the covenants made in the house of the Lord. In the prayer, he asked for blessings on the temple as it is built and on the people in the area whose lives can be blessed by a temple.
“We ask that they may feel a spirit of peace wash over them, granting them comfort and assurance that the presence of the temple will bring added joy, prosperity, beauty and unity to their lives and their community,” he said in the prayer.
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